

This script provides a framework for training deep learning models, supporting both single and multiple GPU devices and enabling the repetition of training tasks.

Classes and Functions

class HookedStdout

This class is used to redirect the standard output (stdout) and standard error (stderr) to a file.

__init__(self, filename, stdout=None)

Initializes a HookedStdout instance.

  • filename: The name of the file to which the output will be written.
  • stdout: The output stream to be hooked. If not provided, sys.stdout will be used.

write(self, data)

Writes data to both the original output stream and the file.


Flushes both the original output stream and the file.

train_process(data, save_path, device, seed)

A function to train a model in a separate process.

  • data: Serialized model and training arguments.
  • save_path: Path to save the model and logs.
  • device: The device to use for training (e.g., 'cuda:0').
  • seed: The random seed for reproducibility.

class Trainer

This class is used to manage and execute training tasks.

__init__(self, exp_name, device)

Initializes a Trainer instance.

  • exp_name: The name of the experiment.
  • device: The device(s) to use for training, provided as a comma-separated string (e.g., '0,1') or 'cpu'.

set_repeat(self, repeat)

Sets the number of times each task should be repeated.

  • repeat: The number of repetitions.

add_task(self, get_model, train_args)

Adds a training task to the queue.

  • get_model: A function that returns the model to be trained.
  • train_args: The arguments to be passed to the train method of the model.

setup(self, filename, seed)

Sets up the experiment by creating necessary directories and saving the configuration.

  • filename: The name of the script file.
  • seed: The random seed for reproducibility.


Trains all tasks in the queue. If multiple devices are available, tasks are trained in parallel.


Trains all tasks in the queue in parallel, using multiple devices.


Generates a summary of the experiment.