Module PINNacle.src.utils.geom


CSGMultiDifference(geom1, geom2_list) : Construct an object by CSG Difference.

### Ancestors (in MRO)

* deepxde.geometry.geometry.Geometry
* abc.ABC

### Methods

`boundary_normal(self, x)`
:   Compute the unit normal at x for Neumann or Robin boundary conditions.

`inside(self, x)`
:   Check if x is inside the geometry (including the boundary).

`not_inside_geom2(self, x)`

`on_boundary(self, x)`
:   Check if x is on the geometry boundary.

`random_boundary_points(self, n, random='pseudo')`
:   Compute the random point locations on the boundary.

`random_points(self, n, random='pseudo')`
:   Compute the random point locations in the geometry.