
Module PINNacle.src.utils.callbacks


LossCallback(verbose=False) : Callback base class.

    model: instance of ``Model``. Reference of the model being trained.

### Ancestors (in MRO)

* deepxde.callbacks.Callback

### Methods

:   Called at the end of every epoch.

:   Called at the beginning of model training.

:   Called at the end of model training.

PlotCallback(log_every=None, verbose=False, fast=False) : Callback base class.

    model: instance of ``Model``. Reference of the model being trained.

### Ancestors (in MRO)

* deepxde.callbacks.Callback

### Methods

:   Called at the end of every epoch.

:   Called at the beginning of model training.

:   Called at the end of model training.

`plot(self, save_path)`

TesterCallback(log_every=100, verbose=True, fRMSE_param={'enable': True, 'iLow': 5, 'iHigh': 13, 'calc_every': 2000}) : Callback base class.

    model: instance of ``Model``. Reference of the model being trained.

### Ancestors (in MRO)

* deepxde.callbacks.Callback

### Methods

`frmse_calc(self, y)`


:   Called at the end of every epoch.

:   Called at the beginning of model training.

:   Called at the end of model training.